Saturday, July 14, 2012

Online World of Darkness game

I'm working on a Roll20 campaign for White Wolf's Orpheus, and was considering inviting some absolute strangers to play.  It's not going to go live for a while, it's more of a prospective work-in-progress at the moment.

If you're familiar with Wraith, Orpheus will have a lot of familiar elements.  I plan on running the story as presented by the 6 basic books, and would strongly encourage players to NOT read ahead  in the material or do any google/wiki research.  If you already know how the story goes, there's still plenty to enjoy, as long as you can sit on your spoilers.

From the White Wolf Wiki:

The last original gaming line to be set in the Classic World of Darkness, Orpheus tackles the world of the dead following the events of the Sixth Great Maelstrom. A corporation called the Orpheus Group has learned and perfected the art of projection, allowing people who have undergone near-death experiences to leave their bodies and enter the spirit realm. The company uses these employees, along with allied ghosts, as agents, and contracts them out to clients for investigations into hauntings, fumigating raging spirits, and other spooky tasks.

While Orpheus does tie in loosely with White Wolf’s previous effort at the afterlife, Wraith: The Oblivion, it is not treated as a true sequel or continuation, although players of Wraith will certainly find parts of Orpheus familiar, especially towards the end. Orpheus is also unique in that other supernatural characters, such as vampires and werewolves, have no real place in the game. The Core book states that if, in your game you want them to exist, you can, but the Orpheus characters would be heavily outmatched as they are essentially plain, run-of-the-mill humans. The book also notes that the Werewolves and Vampires have done a good enough job of hiding from the Mortal world, and Orpheus, at the moment, does not know about them either.

Anybody interested?

1 comment:

  1. Nice little summary of the book. I never did learn about Orpheus, thinking it was just like Wraith, but turns out it's quite distinct. It also sounds like something that could easily become a television series on Fox.
